Thursday, September 30, 2010

Blood Donation Camp Organised at DSCM H S School by NSS Voulunteers

Blood Donation Camp Organised at DSCM H S School by NSS Voulunteers

Dhana Singh Choudhury Memorial H S School, one of the best government schools in Tripura in all respects that provides completely free education to the rural mass, has organised a blood donation camp in the school on the 28th September. The programme is a part and parcel of the National Service Scheme of the school's seven days Annual Camping Programme.
Blood Donation Camp at D S C M HS School, Kanchanbari
To put more light on the occasion, the National Service Scheme of the school has inaugurated a seven day Annual Special Camp starting from the 24th to the 30th Septemtember 2010 in a much publicised mode in its co-owned Kanchanbari Multi-purpose Hall. The Inauguration Programme was well attended by VIPs, social workers, students and public in general.
The inauguration programme of the Seven Day Special Camp was inaugurated by Hon'ble Saha Sabhadipati of Uttar Tripura Zilla Parishad Mr. Laxman Kar. Mr. Gopi Raman Datta, the Chairperson of the School's Development Committee ( Mr. Datta is also one of the Honb'le Member of Uttar Tipura Zilla Parishad) was present as the Chief Guest of the programme. Among the othe other important persons who graced the occasion were Mr. Samiran Malakar, the local Uttar Tripura Zilla Parishad representative and Mr. B Sinha, the respected Block Development Officer of ours Kumarghat R D Block.
Honb'le Saha Sabhadipati Mr. Laxman Kar adressing the opening ceremony of NSS 7 Days' Annual Camp
The voluntary blood donation camp took the shape of a maniature festival of Tripura today. Most of the donars came from the school itself. The students who achieved eighteen years of age and had 45 KGs of weight came forward to donate blood voluntarily. To some Blood Donation seemed to be a moment of fun and speaking freely some treated as it as scary from the photographs reveal. Teachers, non-teaching of the schools including the Physical Instructor Mr. Tapas Datta and the Head of the Institution Mr. R S Debabrata Chakma donated blood in today's camp.
Mr. Tapas Datta relaxing after donating blood
Sandip Singh Choudhury from the school's Computer faculty
The most interesting thing is that a few students hardly managed to attain 18 years but the way they came forward seemed to me they had become mature long ago at least in the field of donating blood in order to save the lives of the patient requiring blood. The following are the mere examples-
Anup, a student of Class XI donating blood
An NSS volunteer donating blood for fun sake
Kollol, another NSS volunteer
 That's not all. A number of social workers living in Kanchanbari did not miss the opportunity. The following are the people among others who joined in the effort put by the NSS Unit of the school-

A  lady of the locality joining for the cause of the human being. 
NSS Unit of the school really appreciate such courage of the people

Be it a social worker working for a club or for a social organisation, the school really appreciate them who found time to remain the Blood Donation Camp.
We are looking forward towards bringing the whole village as a family.

Towards the end of the programme, the scence became really interesting as all the volunteers are eagerly waiting for their Programme Officer who is supposed not to escape from the social service being performed that day. In reality, Mr. Pankaj Chanda was very busy helping the officials collecting blood on behalf of the Blood Bank, North Tripura. As curious than before they wanted to discover whether he is a little frightened as the needle of the syringe pierce the skin of their beloved friend and guide. Almost all the sixty volunteers had gathered together that it almost become impossible for the man handling the job of collecting the blood from the donors. At last they are really pleased to see that their guide, friend and philosopher did not let out the slightest trace of becing scared as the needle pierce his skin.
Mr. P K Chanda, the NSS Programme Officer crowded by the volunteers
The blood donation camp collected blood from 47 donors and the officials in connection with the Blood Bank are pretty pleased. However, they are of the opinion that provided 50 people had donated blood on the day, they programme would have been tremed as MEGA BLOOD DONATION Camp.

For more information please visit here

Thursday, September 23, 2010

DSCM H S School, Kanchanbari organised Parents Teachers Day today

DSCM H S School today organised the Parents Teachers’ Day in the school today at 12:30 p.m. in a befitting manner. The programme was attended by not less than 350 parents of the school, besides the local leaders, educationists, SHG groups, MTA members, School Development Committee members , VEC members and RMSA Committee members of the school.
Female parents attending the Parents Teachers' Day 2010

Opening song being sung
As the day’s programme started with an opening song sung by the students, the Parents Teachers’ Day is declared opened. 

-->The Asst. Headmaster of the school, Mr. R S Debabrata Chakma welcomed all the people assemble for the occasion. Then he read out the annual report of the school. In his report, Mr. Chakma made aware of the present situation of the school stating the problems arising owing to the shortage of teaching staff especially in English. Since there are more than 300 students in +2 stage and only one English teacher is there to teach them not to mention of occasion absence of the teacher arising out of unavoidable circumstances. -->He also gave a clear report on the progress of the students academically. He emphasised on the deploring performance of the students reading in class X and XII who will appear at the Board level Examinations next year and called upon all the guardians to put forth a united effort towards fetching a brilliant result in the coming year. 
Mr. R S Debabrata Chakma addressing the Parents Teachers' Meeting 2010

The head of the institution also placed a few accounts of fund received during the last academic year. In the conclusion, he urged all the parents and people interested in education for open constructive suggestions from all to help achieving educational goals. The parents are also apprised of the fact about the blogs of the school wherein suggestions and complaints relating to the school could be lodged maintaining all secrecy.
After the welcome speech of the Head of the Institution, Mr. Nirmal Chandra Sarkar and Mrs. Bina Das spoke to the audience. 
Mr. N. Chandra Sarkar, Headmaster(Pry)
-->In her speech Mrs. Das pointed out the active role being played by the teachers in the school. She stressed that the effort of the teachers in all round development of the learners is futile until and unless the parents come forward. She pointed out the role of mother as the greatest teacher of all. She pointed out- the teachers can only show the way, and practically education starts at home. 
Mrs. Bina Das

She opined that a teacher can only nurture the intellectuality that a child born with. Mrs. Das, being one of the members of the school’s Mother Teachers’ Association informed all that the upper primary as well as the Primary Mid Day Meal programme is running flawlessly. She has also urged the guardians to feel free to contact the Headmaster of the school about any problem that a child might face in the line of teaching and learning process.

As Mrs. Das finished her speech, Mr. Ranna Sinha who is one of the educationists in our Kanchanbari Village Education Committee spoke on the part of the guardians. He placed her valuable constuctive suggestions towards all round development of the children studying at former Kanchanbari Class XII School (dhana Singh Choudhury Memorial H S School. He pointed out some mistakes occured in the Annual Report, which the Head of the Institution promised to rectify in the long run.

Mr. Ranna Sinha
Among the Guardians, Mr. Pijush Kanti Chakraborty, a reknown social worker and who is also one of the Members of  School Development Committee placed his valuable speech. 

Mr. Pijush Kanti Chakraborty
Mr. Pradip Sinha, one of the parents, also placed his valuable speech indicating that though the result of the present students reading in Class X and Class XII is really dismal, there is a hope of improvement provided there is a united effort both from the teachers and the guardians besides the learners of the school.
Mr. Pradip Sinha
Then, the Special Guest of today's programme Mr. Gopi Raman Datta, the most influential person of Kanchanbar and the Chairman of our School Development Committee spoke to us all. He stressed on the fulfilment of our problems that hinder smooth progress of our teaching learning process. It worth mentioning that Mr. Datta is an honourable Member of Uttar Zilla Parishad and has always been playing the pivotal role of the development of school and Kanchanbari at large.
Special guest of today's programme- Mr. Gopi Raman Datta

In order to bring some sort of enjoyment for the audience and to prove being worthy to their guardians, a batch of students who are actively participating in various District level and State Level Yoga meets, the students have shown some yogic feats to their parents. Among the participant Master Sandipan Datta was adjudged as the Best Sports boy of the year. In this respect Master Datta was given a prize with a loud applause from the end of the parents who were present in the programme today.
Master Sandipan Datta taking the blessing of Mrs. Bina Das as he received the prize
The following are the pictures of the yogic feats that came from the students-
Learners in action
Students in action 2
Then came the prize giving ceremony and the counter speech of the Head of the Institution. In the Prize section, the students who have achieved 1st, 2nd and 3rd position in the class have been awarded. Moreover, the first Division holder in the Madhyamik and Class XII examinations were also awarded with prizes in order to encourage both the parents and the learners of the school.
Students receiving prizes

First Divisioner Susmita receiving Prize from our teacher Mr. P K De
Jubilant parent showing the prize of his son

Prizes are being given away to the parents on their wards' behalf

Then the  programme of the day came to an end with thanks from the end of the presedium and Mr. Shyamapada Datta spoke on behalf of them. 
Mr. Datta speaking on behalf of the presedium

The photographers for today’s blog post is-

Mrinal Dey

Mrinal Dey is a student of science stream and a promising, dedicated and emering photographer of this blog. Recently he captured the the Sub-Divisinal Level photograph  for the blog and which are available here in excellent quality for download and also in our links for downloads. He believes Photography is an art. He likes reading science news , Science journalism and watching National Geographic Channel and a big fan of WWE superstars.
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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Dhana Singh Choudhury Memorial H S School: Photo Gallery

Dhana Singh Choudhury Memorial H S School: Photo Gallery: "During an N S S programme

Photo depicting teachers and students of the school after Teachers' Day 2010 programme


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Teachers Day 2010 Celebrated

Lead announcers and organisers of Teachers' Day 2010 programme

2010 Teachers Day celebrated by the school
Dhana Singh Choudhury Memorial H S School celebrated the 49th Teachers’ Day in the Kanchanbari Multipurpose Hall built on the school’s land in an exceedingly fine manner. The programme of this year’s Teachers’ Day was managed and organised by the students of the school with the supervision of the Convenor of the school’s Cultural Sub-Committee. The chief aim of allowing the learners of convening such programme was to prepare them for Event Management. It is to be noted here that since the 5th September was a Sunday, the day is celebrated a day later that is on Monday the 6th September.
The programme of the day started at around 1.30 p.m with floral tribute to the image of Dr. S Radhakrishnan. As the Assistant Headmaster Mr. R S Debabrata Chakma lighted candles for the day’s programme the opening song was sung by the band of students chosen earlier. Then the teachers were presented with flowers and chandan tilaks were marked. Today programme was a blend of speech both from the teachers and the students and a light cultural activity featuring singing, playing musical instrument, dance and recitation. 
Students attending the programme

On the part of the teachers, Mr. Jagadish Chandra Bhowmik, a senior Political Science Teacher of the school delineated the importance of the day and on the philosophical doctrine of Dr. Radhakrishnan.
Mr. J C Bhowmik

-->Later on, the students of the school mostly the seniors presented their speech expressing their love, respect and gratitude towards their teachers. Among the students Netai, Madhab and a student of Class XI have spoken on the occasion. 
New student in Class XI batch
Netai, reading in Class XII
Madhab of Class XI

The most striking feature of today’s programme is the publication of Devdoot (wall magazine) 2nd issue. It may be stated here that Devdoot is the name of the annual magazine published by the school. It is the place of expressing the thought of the teaching and the taught. Generally the articles of the teachers and the learners of the school is published only, however- if anybody wishes to write in it and if it passes the final editing from the editorial board anyone can publish their article in it. 
The Head of the Institution with the wall magazine 

-->Apart from this, RECITATION section of the cultural programme really won the heart of many. There have been serious recitations from juniors and seniors. But, if somebody asks me-‘which recitation is the best of all?’- I would unhesitatingly answer the recitation that came from Sanjit, a student of Class IX. Master Sanjit is a new comer in the school. He incited the laughter of the devil even- I would by his irregular way of reciting of his thoughts. The boy from Dudhpur is perhaps the most gifted of our Children with Special Needs. He is a fifty percent blind coupled up with intellectual impairment though not certified in this respect. CWSN are a part of our life and the society we live in must accept them. Being a nodal school of CWSN, DSCM H S School always approves of their schooling with normal children. Though he recited an incoherent recitation today, we must appreciate his indomitable willingness to behave like the normals. If we give him a little push he will see the brighter side of his life

-->There have been programme of dance and singing. The following students participated in different items of cultural functions today.

The boy who grabs the photos for the blog

-->Ashish Singha is a student of Class XI and the most sucessful photographer of this blog. He is a talented student from commerce stream. -->He likes surfing the net, biking & stunts and he is a big fan of Enrique Iglesias